
Here is a quick explanation of "Bellwork"
What is Bellwork?  Bellwork is a question/problem projected onto the board daily that students are to complete upon entering the classroom.
Why do Bellwork?  The reason we do Bellwork is to get our minds from English mode into Spanish mode. During bellwork the teacher has time to take attendance and students waste no time in getting right to work.  It is a structured time in which the students can gain points for reviewing or entering into a lesson.
How is it graded?  Students bellwork is graded based on completion alone.
What if I'm gone?  How do I make it up?  Come up to the front of the board and you will see a bellwork page filled in with the question only, you may come up, copy down the question, and answer it when you get home.  If many days are missed you may request a copy, however, only excused absences will get you a copy.  Bellwork is to be completed EACH day at the beginning of class.
When is bellwork collected?  I collect bellwork every other week.  You will be given a copy of a 2 week long calendar with spaces where you will write the answer each day.