Extra Credit is only for those students who have ALL assignments turned in. Students may get up to 15 points extra credit per trimester. Here are some options:
1. Bring in something from your everyday world that is written/uses Spanish. This can be, but is not limited to, Popular songs that use Spanish, Appropriate You Tube clips that may include Spanish, Directions written in Spanish, boxes/ads/etc. . . written in Spanish. (worth +1 to max+5)
2. Cook a Spanish/Mexican/Puerto Rican/ Dominican meal or dessert for your family or the class. THIS MUST BE OKAY WITH YOUR PARENTS! Bring in either pictures of you cooking or samples for the class. (worth +5 to max+15)
3. Plan a trip to Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Spain, or any other country that speaks Spanish. The trip must include: cost of airfare, cost of hotel and hotel name, 3 cities worth visiting and why, 2 fun things to do while there, currency and how much it is in dollars, countries name, capital, and population. You must then share your small report (can be bullet points) with the class (worth +5 - max +15)
4. Teach/Tutor another student. You must first speak w/ me about this opportunity. ( up to +15)
5. Create a set of classroom flashcards. Ask Mrs. Smith for a word list and create 4x6 flashcards on tag board or construction paper placing the Spanish word on one side of the paper and a picture illustrating the English word on the other. (+5 to max +15)
6. Bring in classroom supplies: disinfectant wipes or kleenex (+5)
7. Bring in a song/cd in Spanish, that I don't have (check ipod), to contribute to class song list. (+5)
Students may only receive +15 extra credit points and all work must already be turned in.